“Known Unknown” Solo Show of Paintings by artist Pankaj Jha

Pankaj Jha is a person of versatile talents, but here, we are talking about his paintings. Some of these paintings carry poetry, some tell a story, while others depict an entire life, but all of them are “wordless.” In this world, there are only two colours: white and black, and from their combination emerge numerous shades of slate gray.

In every painting by Pankaj, the mind pauses on the slate gray. It is this slate that, with great care, slowly guides you up and down, at times toward white and at times toward black. In every painting, between the earth and the sky, life is a pearl that thrives between day and night. Pankaj, apart from being an actor, poet, and artist, is also a philosopher, one who sits detached, above the cramped buildings of the metropolis, gazing beyond the infinite with clarity.

Pankaj’s paintings don’t attract attention due to their colourful hues, but because of their depth. These little white-and-black eyes of a philosopher, sharp and profound hold great significance. There is something in them that, while embracing the earth and sky, effortlessly presents to us the true pearls formed between every storm, whirlwind, day, and night. This vision doesn’t just extend outward, but also delves as deeply within. What is within is also what is outside. As Osho says, “All education and teachings are worthless if they do not teach you the art of diving within yourself.

“On Pankaj’s canvas, the basic three energies, sat, rajas and tamas are depicted through white, black, and slate gray. One must give time and dive deep. Only then will one discover the rare pearls thriving within each painting, each with its own unique shades. Those who understand will seize them.
I extend my heartfelt wishes to Pankaj Ji for his upcoming art exhibition. The mountains of Himachal are waiting for this artist.
Deepti Saraswat ‘Pratima’ (Art Critic)