Hina Bhatt Art Ventures

Painting References’ 30 days Online Art Competition-2024
Dear friends,
Hina Bhatt Art Ventures is pleased to announce an online competition for 30 days where all one has to do is paint each day from one of the images of the Facebook page – Painting references.
The event will begin on 17th March 2024 and will continue till 15th April 2024
The participants are required to
a) post the reference image used
b) along with images of developing of the artwork in four stages
c) the final completed image of the painting.
(Totally 6 images in a single post).
The participants have to mention clearly their
Each day there will be two prizes announced-
1) ₹1000/-for artist category
2) ₹500/- for student category (above 18 years of age )
◆The participants are requested to paint each day and upload their artworks and post on the HBAV Painting Competition Group(FB group) This is a must for your entry to reach us.
◆Use the following hashtags in your post – #paintingreferencesbyhinabhatt #hinabhattartventures #paintingreferences
◆All artworks have to be uploaded by 8pm India Standard Time each day and the prizes will be announced at 10 pm that very day.
◆Decision of the jury is final.
◆The same artists will not get prize everyday however 10 artworks from artist category and 10 artworks from the student category will get an opportunity to participate in a show with our renowned artists and Brand Ambassadors provided they have participated and uploaded their works throughout the month.
◆On 16th of April all participants are expected to make a collage of all the artworks they have done and share on HBAV Painting Competition group.
◆There is no participation fee for this event and there are no restrictions of qualifications, gender etc All are welcome to participate.
◆There is also no restriction on the medium used to do your artworks…. you can choose to do with pencil, pen, Watercolour, Acrylics, oils pastels, or any other media of your choice.
◆The only condition is to use a photo reference from the Facebook page – Painting references but this time we expect you to use it more creatively(you may combine more than one reference to come up with an artwork- we however would like you to share all the reference images used. Please do not share previously done artworks as it fails the purpose of doing this event. We would like you to use references which have been shared recently in the last one year preferably.
Please share the details of this event with maximum people so more and more are aware and involved in doing art at home or in the comfort of their studio
Looking forward to seeing maximum participation and many taking away cash prize each day
Please ensure you have either Paytm or Google Pay to have the prize money transferred to you
☀️NOTE: Please post your entries on the HBAV Painting Competition Group only (Facebook group only)☀️ https://www.facebook.com/share/JWmeVuEUNwiB8Z9L/?mibextid=K35XfP
Paint Daily and there may be some awesome surprises for you at the end of the event
Sharing the Painting references page link to select your reference pictures.
We are also on Instagram by the name “Painting references by Hina Bhatt”